Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I admit that Bruce and I are movie addicts. (or maybe popcorn addicts) But, really, two movies ina row that were pitiful? We really didn't have high expectations for "Transformers 2". So, we weren't too surprized at how bad it was. Shia Laboef is a punk! It's one of those that when you come out of the theater you tell yourself that those were 2 hours you'll never get back. The other movie , " The Brothers Bloom" got 3 stars in our paper, but it was the kind that critics like. A main character dies at the end, plus quirky characters. (but not the good kind of quirky) Oh well, the popcorn was good!

Thank heavens for Netflix!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Why does everything have to have a title?

I love stepping out the front door and smelling the lilacs in bloom. Our ash trees will be the last to leaf out, but the valley is looking so green. Too bad there won't be many peaches this summer. I keep wondering if the lack of fruit is another warning about food storage. I was even thinking I need to can tomatoes this summer, but then I rested until that thought went away! If I start having the green blob dream then I'll really be worried!

Jacob suggested we read a book called "Lies My Teacher Told Me" or something like that. Woodrow Wilson has become a hiss and a byword in this house. (like Mac Wilberg--ssssssss) We also have a book about the real story about national historic places that should prove interesting.Of course I'm reading "The Witch of Blackbird Pond"--can't have too heavy all the time. One of these days I'm going to pick up a paint brush again.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

We're carriers

It has got to be the combination of Bruce and me that attracts weirdness. I wonder if 9th Ward would be normal if we were't there. Last Sunday I watched a woman come in during the opening song carrying her DOG!!! Poor Bishop had to come down off the stand and take her out to the foyer for a word. She didn't come back in...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I looked out my window...

and what did I see? Yup, the popcorn's popping on the apricot tree. And the daffodils, tulips, and forsythia (forcynthia). Of course, the globe willows have been green for atleast a week in Palisade. Does anyone ever get tired of the change of winter into spring?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

everybody wants to go to heaven, but...

What a great way to start the week, going to a funeral! Ray Saddoris died and his funeral was at the Redlands building. That's where Fruita 4th ward meets. The funeral went on for an hour and forty-five minutes!!!! First mistake was in asking Arvin Leany to speak. I just love to hear the speaker talk about themselves. Especially for 30 minutes! To quote someone we know, "there's no fool like an old fool." Then the former bishop gets up and says,"I don't want to take too much time" and proceeds to talk for 20 minutes. What would have been too much time?? Another half hour?? It's no wonder I saw Leany's wife bring a pillow to sit on! All I know is we live on the right side of the valley!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Will I be a week ahead with this posting????

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

just had a thought

So, is Rachel going to stop posting if I don't? I don't think so... hahahahahahahahah

oh... I'm so embarrassed...

I think I'm going to tear up Rachel's birth certificate! I just read all her blog entries and this is so lame!! I went to the grocery store today. She ate horse sausage. Which is more interesting? Hummmm... Wah, wah, it's not fair, besides which she's a terrific writer. This is embarrassing. Who do I call about elder abuse?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Maybe I don't want a title

I was going to title this "it's a nakashuma" because Skippy didn't know what I meant and I was scandalized. We're heading to Hawaii tomorrow and I'm glad. We've been needing to get out of town! I've got 6 books packed and 1 in my tote and I plan to read and look for whales!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Feb 16th

Am I supposed to date this? This will be the world's most un interesting blog, but I've got to do this if I want to hear about an interesting life teaching English in China. That is, if Rachel makes it there no thanks to the airlines. It seems impossible that the hang up is here in podunk Grand Junction, but was!

Friday, February 13, 2009


I can't believe I'm doing this! This is the only way to get Rachel to blog from China. One more child that I raised stupidly.